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Understanding Psychotropic Medications

Saturday, February 13, 2021
10:00 am1:00 pm
Free Online In-Service Training

We hope you will join us for Understanding Psychotroopic Medications, an important and informative webinar presented by Judith Lefler, RN, PHN, CLNC.

This three hour online training will review current California legislation that regulates the administration of psychotropic medication. Through lecture and small group activities, participants will gain understanding of the court process as well as the importance of this process to ensure regulations.

Participants will be provided with tools to understand the relationship between trauma and potential mental health issues to help effectively support children who have been exposed to trauma, loss, and grief.

This training will cover an overview of psychotropic medications and their potential side effects. We will provide information on mental health services, how access to these services, and introduce the California Guidelines for the Administration of Psychotropic Medication.

This training is not a specific drug or mental illness training. This training covers the legalities used in foster care and trauma.

This course meets qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education required for Resource Parents/Foster Parents.

About Our Presenter
Ms. Judith Lefler, RN, PHN, CLNC, was the Assistant Director of the Bay Area Academy from 2002 to 2015. Prior to that, she was a supervising Public Health Nurse in San Francisco child welfare. Ms. Lefler has been consulting and training for over 40 years. She specializes in Child Maltreatment, drug and alcohol exposed infants, infant mental health, trauma, teaming, and interdisciplinary practice. She is also certified as a Legal Nurse Consultant and has served as a medical guardian ad litem for Solano County Superior Court. Ms. Lefler has been an active participant in many statewide committees including but not limited to: CSEC, California Practice Model, CORE 3.0, Fostering Connections, Bay Area Regional Children’s Committee, and the Child Welfare Directors Association. After her retirement, she has continued to train for the Bay Area Academy.

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